Archive | April, 2011


27 Apr

New Address:

See you there, fancy pants.

Man Wednesday’s Silver Fox of the Week: Jose Mourinho and His Facial Expressions.

27 Apr

I mean… the face really says it all. Anyone who can contort their face as intensely as this man (at his age) deserves Silver Fox status. These Foxes just keep getting more and more international. EN FUEGO I say, en. fuego.

Here’s the top 10 of my personal favorites:











….Let me tell you, 10 was HARDLY enough to cover it. Google the man for yourself. Pick your favorites. FOX ON.

In Honor of Friday’s Royal Wedding, Fascinators and White Shoes.

26 Apr

Look, I know what you’re thinking. This wedding hasn’t even happened yet and people won’t shut up about it. I’ve been perusing CNN, Vanity Fair and Perez Hilton online this morning, just casually catching up on my very important reading, and Royal Wedding dramz is all over the place. I’m in Ireland right now and there are television programs about it. I say, though, the more coverage the merrier. To me this is like a way more interesting and more stunning version of Halley’s Comet. It only comes around every so often, amigos.

Because the name of Kate Middleton’s wedding dress designer is a closer guarded secret then where Whitey Bulger is hiding, I bring you: fascinators and white shoes.

I was at a horse race this past saturday and let me tell you I saw some serious hats and head pieces. So many in fact that even though there would be no place in America that I could wear one of these without my friends (or a perfect strangers) ridicule, I am still determined that I need one to fill a void in my faux European soul.


1. Rhinestone Armadillo 2-5.

The White Out:

1. Louboutin 2. Givenchy 3. Louboutin 4. Fascinator Sandal, omg DVF.